First post office

Prva pošta is the first purpose-built facility for the needs of postal traffic in Brčko. It is located in the residential area of ​​Kolobara, near Islahijet and Kočić houses.

The Brčan post office was opened in 1864. years. Only one employee worked at the Post Office, and all postal traffic was directed towards Bosanski Samac, Zvornik, Tuzla and Sarajevo. The post office had a stamp that was in use since 1865. until 1878 years. On the stamp it was written in Turkish: POSTEHANA BRČKI, i.e. the Brčko Post Office.

The post office building is one-story and has an L-shaped corner layout with two asymmetric wings with a total area of ​​511 square meters. The total height of the building is about 8.4 meters. There are 14 openings on the facade, 13 of which are windows.

The building’s street facades are designed in the spirit of the Neo-Renaissance, which is reflected in the regular rhythm of the window openings highlighted by the roof cornice and the horizontal division into shallowly separated strips. Along the length of the entire building, the roof cornice is slightly prominent and profiled with a characteristic horizontal gutter. Below it is a shallow frieze ending in a horizontal molding that runs the length of both main facades. The roof cornice, frieze and horizontal profiling along with rows of windows on the facade surfaces give a special look to the entire building.

The first post office was declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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